Relax and unwind at our Rustic Farm Stay or Camp under the stars.
Whichever choice you make, your mornings will be fresh!
Farm Stay Options
4 | Whole Weekend Farm Experience |
3 | Full-Day & Night Farm Experience |
2 | Farm Camping Experience |
1 | Farm Themed Customized Events |
Family Stay Self Catering
(Fits a small family | Fully Furnished)
Full day and night farm experience
- Kshs 7,500/=
- Self Catering fee 1,000/=
A Whole Weekend Farm Experience
Friday evening – Sunday midday
- Kshs 12,000/=
- Self Catering fee 1,500/=
Farm Picnic (Snacks Served on Order)
- Kshs 1,500/- Adults (Kids Kshs 500/-)
Farm Stay Fresh Meals
– Kshs 700/= Per Person (Kids (4-10 yrs) Kshs 500/=)
– Kshs 1,500/= Per Person (Kids (4-10 yrs) Kshs 800/=)
– Kshs 1,500/= Per Person (Kids (4-10 yrs) Kshs 800/=)
If Self Catering, you can purchase fresh farm produce at farm prices which include Fresh milk, Yoghurt, Mala, Mursik, and indigenous Vegetables.
Farm Stay
Farm Stay, Farm Stays
Whole Weekend Experience
Enjoy a Weekend with Family or Alone connecting with nature – only at Lesioi Farm Stay.
Farm Stay, Farm Stays
Full-Day & Night Experience
Unwind from the busy urban by staying in an experiential Farm Stay in Limuru.
Customized Events, Farm Stays
Farm Themed Customized Events
Host your event in a serene environment while enjoying delicious farm-fresh meals.
Camping, Farm Stays
Farm Camping Experience
Experience the freedom and peace that comes with camping in the great outdoors.